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Helm Chart


The CSGHUB project uses Helm Chart as the main way to deploy Kubernetes to achieve efficient and repeatable application management.

The Helm Chart design of CSGHub tries to follow the principle of backward compatibility. Usually, you only need to execute the helm upgrade command to seamlessly deploy the new version, which simplifies the update process and reduces risks. In addition, as the architecture evolves, we regularly refactor the Helm Chart to improve flexibility and performance, make it clearer and easier to use, and facilitate developers to customize configuration.

In this way, CSGHUB achieves flexible deployment management and can respond to user needs more quickly.

Software/Hardware Support

Hardware environment requirements:

  • >= 8c16g

  • amd64/arm64

Software environment requirements:

  • Kubernetes 1.20+

  • Helm 3.12.0+

*Note: Kubernetes needs to support Dynamic Volume Provisioning.*

Deployment example

Quick deployment (for testing purposes)

Currently, the deployment supports quick deployment, which is mainly used for testing. The deployment method is as follows:

# {{domain}}: like
# NodePort is the default ingress-nginx-controller service type
curl -sfL | bash -s --

## Tip: When using the LoadBalancer service type for installation, please change the server sshd service port to a non-port 22 in advance. This type will automatically occupy port 22 as the git ssh service port.
curl -sfL | INGRESS_SERVICE_TYPE=LoadBalancer bash -s --

# Enable Nvidia GPU
curl -sfL | ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPU=true bash -s --

The above deployment will automatically install/configure the following resources:

  • K3S Single Node Cluster
  • Helm Tools
  • CSGHub Helm Chart
  • CoreDNS/Hosts
  • Insecure Private Container Registry

*Note: After the deployment is complete, access and log in to CSGHub according to the terminal prompt information or login.txt.*

Variable description:

VariableDefault valueFunction
ENABLE_K3StrueCreate a K3S cluster
ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PVfalseSimulate dynamic volume management
ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPUfalseInstall nvidia-device-plugin
HOSTS_ALIAStrueConfigure coredns and local hosts resolution
INSTALL_HELMtrueInstall helm tool
INGRESS_SERVICE_TYPENodePortCSGHub service exposure method. If it is LoadBalancer mode, please make sure that the SSHD service uses a non-22 port
KNATIVE_INTERNAL_DOMAINapp.internalKnativeServing domain name
KNATIVE_INTERNAL_HOST127.0.0.1Kourier service address, which will be reassigned to the local IPv4 when the script is running
KNATIVE_INTERNAL_PORT80Kourier service port, if INGRESS_SERVICE_TYPE is NodePort, the port will be reassigned to 30213

Standard deployment


  • Kubernetes 1.20+

  • Helm 3.12.0+

  • Dynamic Volume Provisioning

    Or manually create the following persistent volumes:

    • PV 500Gi * 1 (for Minio)

    • PV 200Gi * 1 (for Gitaly)

    • PV 50Gi * 2 (for PostgreSQL, Builder)

    • PV 10Gi * 2 (for Redis, Nats)

    • PV 1Gi * 1 (for Gitlab-Shell)

Start installation

  • Add helm repository

    helm repo add csghub
    helm repo update
  • Create kube-configs Secret

    kubectl create ns csghub
    kubectl -n csghub create secret generic kube-configs --from-file=/root/.kube/
  • Install CSGHub Helm Chart

    *Note: The following is a simple installation, please refer to the following for more parameter definitions.*

    Sample installation information:

    ParametersDefault valueDescription[Service domain name](#domain name)
    global.ingress.service.typeLoadBalancerPlease ensure that the cluster service provider has the ability to provide LoadBalancer services.
    The services using LoadBalancer here are Ingress-nginx-controller Service and Kourier.
    ingress-nginx.controller.service.typeLoadBalancerIf you untar the installer and install it locally, this parameter can be omitted and automatically copied by the internal anchor.[0].typeNodePortSpecifies the service type for the KnativeServing Kourier when using deployment.knative.serving.autoConfigure. If the cluster does not support multiple LoadBalancer addresses, use NodePort.[0].domainapp.internalSpecify the internal domain name used by KnativeServing.[0].host192.168.18.3Specify the IPv4 address of the KnativeServing Kourier service.[0].port30213Specify the port of the KnativeServing Kourier service. If the type is LoadBalancer, it needs to be configured to 80. If the type is NodePort, it needs to be configured to any 5 valid NodePort port numbers.
    global.deployment.kubeSecretkube-configsContains the Secret of all target Kubernetes clusters .kube/config. Multiple configs can be renamed to files starting with config to distinguish them.
    • LoadBalancer

      helm upgrade --install csghub csghub/csghub \ 
      --namespace csghub \
      --create-namespace \
      --set global.ingress.domain="" \
      --set[0].type="NodePort" \
      --set[0].domain="app.internal" \
      --set[0].host="" \
    • NodePort

      helm upgrade --install csghub csghub/csghub \
      --namespace csghub \
      --create-namespace \
      --set global.ingress.domain="" \
      --set global.ingress.service.type="NodePort" \
      --set ingress-nginx.controller.service.type="NodePort" \
      --set[0].type="NodePort" \
      --set[0].domain="app.internal" \
      --set[0].host="" \

      *Note: Installation and configuration will take some time, please be patient. After the CSGHub Helm Chart configuration is completed, Argo Workflow and KnativeServing will be automatically configured in the target cluster.*


    Take the NodePort installation method as an example:

    You have successfully installed CSGHub!

    Visit CSGHub at the following address:

    Credentials: root/xxxxx

    Visit the Casdoor administrator console at the following address:

    Credentials: admin/xxx

    Visit the Temporal console at the following address:

    Username: $(kubectl get secret --namespace csghub csghub-temporal -o jsonpath="{.data.TEMPORAL_USERNAME}" | base64 -d)
    Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace csghub csghub-temporal -o jsonpath="{.data.TEMPORAL_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)

    Visit the Minio console at the following address:

    Username: $(kubectl get secret --namespace csghub csghub-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.MINIO_ROOT_USER}" | base64 -d)
    Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace csghub csghub-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD}" | base64 -d)

    To access Registry using docker-cli:

    Username=$(kubectl get secret csghub-registry -ojsonpath='{.data.REGISTRY_USERNAME}' | base64 -d)
    Password=$(kubectl get secret csghub-registry -ojsonpath='{.data.REGISTRY_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d)

    Login to the registry:
    echo "$Password" | docker login --username $Username ---password-stdin

    Pull/Push images:
    docker pull
    docker push

    *Notes: This is not a container registry suitable for production environments.*

    For more details, visit:

Version description

CSGHub major.minor version is consistent with CSGHub Server, Patch version is updated as needed.

Chart versionCsghub versionDescription
0.9.x0.9.xAdd components Gitaly, Gitlab-Shell
1.1.x1.1.xAdd component Temporal
1.3.x1.3.xRemove component Gitea

Domain name

CSGHub Helm Chart deployment requires a domain name because Ingress does not currently support routing forwarding using IP addresses.

The domain name can be a public domain name or a custom domain name, the difference is as follows:

Public domain name: You can use Cloud Resolution directly, which is easy to configure.

Custom domain name: You need to configure the address resolution yourself, mainly including the CoreDNS resolution of the Kubernetes cluster and the hosts resolution of the client host.

The following are examples of how to use the domain name:

If you specify the domain name during installation, the CSGHub Helm Chart will use this domain name as the parent domain name and create the following subdomains:

  • Access entry for the csghub main service.

  • Used to access the casdoor unified login system.

  • Used to access object storage.

  • Used to access the container image repository.

  • Used to access the scheduled task system.

*Note: No matter which domain name you use, make sure that the domain name resolution is configured correctly.*


The .kube/config file is an important configuration file for accessing the Kubernetes cluster. It needs to be provided to the CSGHub Helm Chart as a Secret during the CSGHub Helm Chart deployment process. Due to the support of CSGHub's cross-cluster features, the service account (serviceAccount) cannot meet the operation requirements of CSGHub. This .kube/config must at least contain full read and write permissions to the namespace where the target cluster deployment instance is located. If the automatic configuration of argo and KnativeServing is enabled, more permissions such as creating a namespace are required.

Persistent Volume

There are multiple components in the CSGHub Helm Chart that need to persist data. The components are as follows:

  • PostgreSQL

The default is 50Gi, which is used to store database data files.

  • Redis

The default is 10Gi, which is used to store Redis AOF dump files.

  • Minio

Default is 500Gi, used to store avatar images, LFS files, and Docker Image files.

  • Gitaly

Default is 200Gi, used to store Git repository data.

  • Builder

Default is 50Gi, used to store temporarily built images.

  • Nats

Default is 10Gi, used to store message flow related data.

  • GitLab-Shell

Default is 1Gi, used to store host key pairs.

In the actual deployment process, you need to adjust the size of PVC according to usage, or directly use an expandable StorageClass.

It should be noted that CSGHub Helm Chart does not actively create related Persistent Volumes, but automatically applies for PV resources by creating Persistent Volume Claims, so your Kubernetes cluster needs to support Dynamic Volume Provisioning. If it is a self-deployed cluster, dynamic management can be achieved through simulation. For details, please refer to: kubernetes-sigs/sig-storage-local-static-provisioner.

External resources

Tip: If the built-in service is not disabled while using an external service, the service will still start normally.


Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueDescription
global.registry.externalboolfalsefalse: Use the built-in Registry
true: Use the external Registry.
global.registry.connectiondict{ }Default is empty, external storage is not configured.
global.registry.connection.repositorystringNullConnect to external Registry repository endpoint.
global.registry.connection.namespacestringNullConnect to external Registry namespace.
global.registry.connection.usernamestringNullConnect to external Registry username.
global.registry.connection.passwordstringNullConnect to external Registry password.


Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueDescription
global.postgresql.externalboolfalsefalse: Use built-in PostgreSQL
true: Use external PostgreSQL.
global.postgresql.connectiondict{ }Default is empty, external database is not configured.
global.postgresql.connection.hoststringNullThe IP address of the external database.
global.postgresql.connection.portstringNullThe port number of the external database.
global.postgresql.connection.databasestringNullThe database name of the external database.
If the value is empty, the database name of csghub_portal, csghub_server, csghub_casdoor, csghub_temporal, csghub_temporal_visibility is used by default. If the database name is specified, the contents of all the above databases will be stored in the same database (this method is not recommended and may cause data table conflicts).
In either case, the database needs to be created by yourself.
global.postgresql.connection.userstringNullThe user to connect to the external database.
global.postgresql.connection.passwordstringNullThe password to connect to the external database.
global.postgresql.connection.timezonestringEtc/UTCPlease use Etc/UTC. Currently only used for pre-configuration, no practical significance.


Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueDescription
global.redis.externalboolfalsefalse: Use built-in Redis
true: Use external Redis.
global.redis.connectiondict{ }Default is empty, external Redis is not configured.
global.redis.connection.hoststringNullThe IP address of the external Redis.
global.redis.connection.portstringNullThe port of the external Redis.
global.redis.connection.passwordstringNullPassword for connecting to external Redis.


Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueDescription
global.objectStore.externalboolfalsefalse: Use built-in Minio
true: Use external object storage.
global.objectStore.connectiondict{ }Default is empty, external object storage is not configured.
global.objectStore.connection.endpointstringhttp://minio.\{{domain}}Endpoint for connecting to external object storage.
global.objectStore.connection.accessKeystringminioAccessKey for connecting to external object storage.
global.objectStore.connection.accessSecretstringNullAccessSecret for connecting to external object storage.
global.objectStore.connection.regionstringcn-north-1The region where the external object store is located.
global.objectStore.connection.encryptstringfalseWhether the endpoint of the external object store is encrypted.
global.objectStore.connection.pathStylestringtrueThe access method of the external object store bucket.
global.objectStore.connection.bucketstringNullSpecify the bucket of the external object store.
If the value is empty, the csghub-portal, csghub-server, csghub-registry, csghub-workflow bucket is used by default. If a bucket is specified, all objects will be stored in the same bucket.
No matter which method is used, the bucket needs to be created by yourself.

Other configurations



Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueScopeDescription
image.pullSecretslist[ ]All sub-chartsSpecify the private image secret key to be pulled.
image.registrystringOpenCSG ACRAll sub-chartsSpecify the image repository prefix.
image.tagstringCurrent latest release version numberCSGHub ServerSpecify the tag of the csghub_server image.


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
ingress.domainstringexample.comSpecifies the external domain name of the service.
ingress.tls.enabledboolfalseSpecifies whether to enable ingress encrypted access.
ingress.tls.secretNamestringNullSpecifies the trusted certificate used for encrypted access.
ingress.service.typestringLoadBalancerSpecifies the ingress-nginx service exposure method.
The internal anchor &type is used here, please do not delete it.


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
deployment.enabledbooltrueSpecifies whether to enable instance deployment.
If disabled, instances such as space and inference cannot be created (that is, they are not associated with K8S clusters).
deployment.kubeSecretstringkube-configsSpecifies the Secret containing all target clusters .kube/config, which needs to be created by yourself. The creation method has been provided in the deployment section.
deployment.namespacestringspacesThe namespace where the deployment instance is located.
deployment.knative.serving.autoConfigurebooltrueSpecifies whether to enable automatic deployment of KnativeServing and argo.[n].typestringNodePortSpecifies the service type of the KnativeServing Kourier when deployment.knative.serving.autoConfigure. If the cluster does not support providing multiple LoadBalancer addresses, use NodePort.[n].domainstringapp.internalSpecify the internal domain name used by KnativeServing.[n].hoststring192.168.8.3Specify the IPv4 address of the KnativeServing Kourier service.[n].portstring30213Specify the port of the KnativeServing Kourier service. If the type is LoadBalancer, it needs to be configured to 80. If the type is NodePort, it needs to be configured to any 5 valid NodePort port numbers.


*Note: There are many components, and only some component parameters are explained. Among them, autoscaling is not adapted yet.*


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
gitaly.logging.levelstringinfoSpecifies the log output level. Commonly used are info, debug.


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
minio.buckets.versioningbooltrueSpecifies whether to enable version control.
Buckets created by default


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
postgresql.parametersmapNullSpecify the database parameters to be set, sighup and postmaster are both acceptable.
Databases created by default.


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
temporal.authentication.usernamestringNullSpecifies the username for authenticating login to Temporal.
temporal.authentication.passwordstringNullSpecifies the password for authenticating login to Temporal.


Parameter configurationField typeDefault valueDescription
casdoor.smtp.enabledboolfalseSpecifies whether SMTP is enabled.
casdoor.smtp.hoststringsmtp.163.comSpecify the SMTP service address.
casdoor.smtp.portnumber463Specify the SMTP service port.
casdoor.smtp.usernamestringNullSpecify the user name for authenticating to the SMTP service.
casdoor.smtp.passwordstringNullSpecify the password for authenticating to the SMTP service.
casdoor.smtp.emailFromstringNullSpecifies the sender (usually the same as username).
casdoor.smtp.emailNamestringOpenCSGSpecify the name of the email after sending.
casdoor.smtp.securebooltrueSpecifies whether SSL/TLS encryption is enabled.


For other parameters, please refer to the component values.yaml file.



Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueScopeDescription
ingress-nginx.enabledbooltrue/Specifies whether to enable the built-in ingress-nginx-controller.
ingress-nginx.tcpmap22:csghub/csghub-gitlab-shell:22/Specifies an additional exposed TCP port. To modify this configuration, you need to modify gitlab-shell.internal.port at the same time. This configuration is a related configuration.
ingress-nginx.controller.image.*mapdigest: ""/Keep the default. Only used to adapt global.image.registry.
ingress-nginx.controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.imagemapdigest: ""/Keep the default value. Used to adapt global.image.registry.
ingress-nginx.controller.config.annotations-risk-levelstringsCritical/Keep the default value. Ingress-nginx 4.12, annotations are defined as risk configuration using snippets.
ingress-nginx.controller.allowSnippetAnnotationsbooltrue/Allow the use of configuration snippets.
ingress-nginx.controller.service.typestringSame as global.ingress.service.type/Specify the Ingress-nginx-controller service type.
ingress-nginx.controller.service.nodePortsmaphttp: 30080
https: 30442
tcp.22: 30022
/Keep the default. The specified object port corresponds to the exposed nodePort port number by default. This configuration is an associated configuration.


Parameter ConfigurationField TypeDefault ValueScopeDescription
fluentd.enabledbooltrue/Specify whether to enable fluentd.
fluentd.fileConfigsmapOutput to the console in json by default./Specify the processing method for log collection.


dial tcp: lookup on no such host

This problem occurs because the cluster cannot resolve the domain name. If it is a public domain name, please configure domain name resolution. If it is a custom domain name, please configure CoreDNS and Hosts resolution. CoreDNS resolution configuration is as follows:

# Add custom domain name resolution
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: coredns-custom
namespace: kube-system
example.server: | {
hosts { csghub casdoor registry minio

# Update coredns pods
$ kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart deploy coredns

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

This problem is often caused by the failure of gitlab-shell job execution. If this problem occurs, please follow the following methods to troubleshoot:

  1. View
$ kubectl get cm csghub-ingress-nginx-tcp -n csghub -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
"22": default/csghub-gitlab-shell:22

Confirm whether the service name corresponding to port 22 is correct.

  1. If it is incorrect, modify it manually
$ kubectl -n csghub edit configmap/csghub-ingress-nginx-tcp
apiVersion: v1
"22": csghub/csghub-gitlab-shell:22

# Update ingress-nginx-controller
$ kubectl rollout restart deploy csghub-ingress-nginx-controller -n csghub

http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

CSGHub is installed by default using an insecure registry (i.e., <domain or IPv4>:5000 mentioned above). You need to ensure that Kubernetes can pull images from this registry. Therefore, you need to configure the following on each Kubernetes node:

  1. Before configuration, please confirm whether the configuration file /etc/containerd/config.toml exists. If it does not exist, you can use the following command to create it.
mkdir -p /etc/containerd/ && containerd config default >/etc/containerd/config.toml
  1. Configure config_path

    • Containerd 1.x

      version = 2

      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
    • Containerd 2.x

      version = 3

      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
  2. Configure hosts.toml

    # Create the Registry configuration directory
    mkdir /etc/containerd/certs.d/<domain or IPv4>:5000

    # Add Configuration
    cat /etc/containerd/certs.d/<domain or IPv4>:5000/hosts.toml
    server = "http://<domain or IPv4>:5000"

    [host."http://<domain or IPv4>:5000"]
    capabilities = ["pull", "resolve", "push"]
    skip_verify = true
    plain-http = true
  3. Restart containerd service

    systemctl restart containerd


If you encounter any problems during use, you can submit feedback through: