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Docker Compose


Docker Compose is one of the common installation methods of CSGHub, which has many advantages. For example, simple service management, flexible and easy deployment, fast configuration and startup, etc. If it is deployed in a production environment, this method will be one of the optional methods.

Software/Hardware Support

Hardware environment requirements:

  • >= 4c 8g 100gb

  • amd64/arm64

Software environment requirements:

  • Docker Engine (>=20.10.0)

  • Docker Compose (>=2.20.0)

Deployment example

Installation package download

Please download from the Release page.


Installation Configuration

  • Unzip Program
tar -zxf csghub-1.4.0-ee.tgz && cd ./csghub
  • Configuration Update

Currently, this deployment method recommends that all configurations be configured in the .env file. The minimum configuration only requires the following parameters.

SERVER_DOMAIN="<domain or ipv4>"

# Specify whether to connect to K8S. 0 for access, 1 for non-access

# SPACE_APP Some configurations need to be configured in advance
SPACE_APP_INTERNAL_DOMAIN="app.internal" # Default is
SPACE_APP_INTERNAL_PORT="<Kourier Service Port>"
  • Start configuration

This command can be used for the first deployment and can also be used to start CSGHub, replacing docker compose up -d. Because this script will render the configuration file each time it is executed, the configuration consistency is maintained.


Wait for the program to automatically configure and start.

  • Access address
CSGhubhttp://{{ip address}}root/Root@1234Can be modified in Casdoor
Miniohttp://{{ip address}}:9001Please check the default account defined in .envMINIO_ROOT_USER
Temporalhttp://{{ip address}}/temporal-ui/Please check the default account defined in .envTEMPORAL_CONSOLE_USER
Casdoorhttp://{{ip address}}:8000admin/123Can be modified in Casdoor
Registry{{ip address}}:5000Please check the default account defined in .envREGISTRY_USERNAME

Version Description

CSGHub major.minor version is consistent with CSGHub Server, and Patch version is updated as needed.

Chart versionCsghub versionDescription
0.9.x0.9.xAdded components Gitaly, Gitlab-Shell
1.1.x1.1.xAdded component Temporal
1.3.x1.3.xRemoved component Gitea

Domain name and IP

CSGHub Docker Compose deployment method is more flexible in the use of domain name and IP, which can use either domain name or IPv4.

  • Domain name

Domain name can use public domain name or custom domain name. CSGHub Docker Compose uses a single domain name for deployment and access. Compared with the CSGHub Helm Chart method, the domain name usage is much simpler.

*Note: If it is a custom domain name, please configure Hosts resolution yourself. For public domain names, please configure DNS cloud resolution.*

  • IPv4

IP address selection needs to use addresses other than and localhost.


The .kube/config file is an important configuration file for accessing the Kubernetes cluster. It is directly provided to the installer as a file path during the CSGHub Docker Compose deployment process. This .kube/config must at least contain full read and write permissions for the namespace where the target cluster deployment instance is located.

*Note: If the automatic configuration of argo and KnativeServing is enabled in subsequent versions, more permissions such as creating namespaces are required.*

Data persistence

For ease of use and management, this deployment method directly uses Volume Mount/Directory Mapping to store persistent data. By default, it is stored in the data directory under the installation directory and is stored separately in the ./data/<component> format.

In addition, all configuration files are stored in the ./configs directory.

External resources

Tip: If the built-in service is not disabled while using an external service, the service will still start normally.

*Note: Because the service startup control in docker compose is not very flexible, if the following variables are directly configured as external services, you can also switch to using external services. At the same time, the following configuration can also modify the internal service configuration.*


VariableTypeDefault valueDescription
REGISTRY_ENABLEDnumber11: Use built-in Registry
0: Disable built-in Registry
REGISTRY_PORTnumber5000Registry service port number, 80, please leave it blank.
REGISTRY_NAMESPACEstringcsghubSpecify the namespace used by the registry.
REGISTRY_USERNAMEstringregistrySpecify the username for accessing the registry
REGISTRY_PASSWORDstringregistry@2025!Specify the password for accessing the registry


*Note: Please create the databases csghub_server, csghub_portal, casdoor, temporal, dataflow by yourself.*

POSTGRES_ENABLEDnumber11: Use built-in PostgreSQL
0: Disable built-in PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_HOSTstringpostgresPostgreSQL service address.
POSTGRES_PORTnumber5432Specify the PostgreSQL service port number.
POSTGRES_TIMEZONEstringAsia/ShanghaiDefault. No actual meaning, no configuration required.
POSTGRES_USERstringcsghubSpecifies the username for connecting to PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_PASSWORDstringCsghub@2025!Specifies the password for connecting to PostgreSQL


MINIO_ENABLEDnumber11: Use built-in object storage
0: Disable built-in object storage
MINIO_API_PORTnumber9000Minio API service port number.
MINIO_CONSOLE_PORTnumber9001Minio Console service port number.
MINIO_ENDPOINTstringSERVERDOMAIN:{SERVER_DOMAIN}:{MINIO_API_PORT}Specifies the namespace used by the object store.
MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINTstring/The external object storage is consistent with MINIO_ENDPOINT, otherwise it is left blank.
MINIO_ROOT_USERstringminioSpecifies the username for accessing the object storage.
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORDstringMinio@2025!Specifies the password for accessing the object storage.
MINIO_REGIONstringcn-north-1Specifies the object storage region.
MINIO_ENABLE_SSLboolfalseSpecifies whether to enable encrypted access to the object storage.
USING_PATH_STYLEbooltrueWhether to use the path method for accessing the object storage bucket.

Other variables

Image configuration

VariableTypeDefaultDescription public image repositories are supported here.
CSGHUB_VERSIONstringlatestSpecifies the image version of csghub_portal and csghub_server services.

Nginx configuration

SERVER_DOMAINstringcsghub.example.comSpecifies the domain name or IPv4 used to configure CSGHub.
SERVER_PORTnumber80Specifies the NGINX listening port. For encrypted access, please configure it to 443.
SERVER_PROTOCOLstringhttpSpecifies the URL protocol. For encrypted access, please configure it to https.
SERVER_SSL_CERTstring/Refers to the certificate for enabling encrypted access.
SERVER_SSL_KEYstring/Refers to the private key for enabling encrypted access.

CSGHub Portal Configuration

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
CSGHUB_PORTAL_ENABLE_HTTPSboolfalseIf NGINX is configured for encrypted access, this needs to be configured to true.

Git Configuration

GIT_SSH_PORTnumber2222Configure the port number used by Git Over SSH. It cannot conflict with the local SSHD service.

Kubernetes Configuration

CSGHUB_WITH_K8Snumber01: Connect to K8S
0: Do not connect to K8S.
KUBE_CONFIG_DIRstring/root/.kubeThe path to store config files. Multiple config files need to be renamed to files starting with config.

Space Application Configuration

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
SPACE_APP_NAMESPACEstringspacesCreate the K8S namespace where various deployment instances are located (will be created automatically).
SPACE_APP_INTERNAL_DOMAINstringapp.internalThe domain name used by KnativeServing configuration.
SPACE_APP_INTERNAL_HOSTstring127.0.0.1The access address of Kourier used by KnativeServing configuration. Fill in according to the actual situation. It cannot be set to or localhost.
SPACE_APP_INTERNAL_PORTnumber30541The access port of Kourier used by KnativeServing configuration. Fill in according to the actual situation.

Gitaly Configuration

GITALY_ENABLEDnumber11: Use built-in Gitaly
0: Disable built-in Gitaly.
GITALY_SERVER_SOCKETstringtcp://gitaly:8075Gitaly service address.
GITALY_STORAGEstringdefaultKeep the default.
GITALY_AUTH_TOKENstringGitaly@2025!Specify the authentication token for connecting to the Gitaly service.

Temporal Configuration

VariableTypeDefault valueDescription
TEMPORAL_UI_ENABLEDnumber1Enable UI access service.
TEMPORAL_CONSOLE_USERstringtemporalSpecify the username for accessing Temporal service.
TEMPORAL_CONSOLE_PASSWORDstringTemporal@2025!Specify the password for accessing Temporal service.

Casdoor Configuration

VariableTypeDefault valueDescription
CASDOOR_SMTP_ENABLEDboolfalseSpecifies whether SMTP is enabled.
CASDOOR_SMTP_HOSTstringsmtp.163.comSpecify the SMTP service address.
CASDOOR_SMTP_PORTnumber463Specify the SMTP service port.
CASDOOR_SMTP_USERNAMEstringNullSpecify the user name for authenticating to the SMTP service.
CASDOOR_SMTP_PASSWORDstringNullSpecify the password for authenticating to the SMTP service.
CASDOOR_SMTP_EMAIL_FROMstringNullSpecifies the sender (usually the same as username).
CASDOOR_SMTP_EMAIL_NAMEstringOpenCSGSpecify the name of the email after sending.
CASDOOR_SMTP_USE_SSLbooltrueSpecifies whether SSL/TLS encryption is enabled.

Nats Configuration

Please keep the default.

Fixed Configuration

Please keep the default.


http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

CSGHub is installed by default using an insecure registry (i.e., <domain or IPv4>:5000 as mentioned above). You need to ensure that Kubernetes can pull images from this registry. Therefore, the following configuration needs to be done on each Kubernetes node:

  1. Before configuration, please confirm whether the configuration file /etc/containerd/config.toml exists. If it does not exist, you can use the following command to create it.
mkdir -p /etc/containerd/ && containerd config default >/etc/containerd/config.toml
  1. Configure config_path

    • Containerd 1.x

      version = 2

      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
    • Containerd 2.x

       version = 3

      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
  2. Configure hosts.toml

    # Create Registry configuration directories
    mkdir /etc/containerd/certs.d/<domain or IPv4>:5000

    # Add configuraion
    cat /etc/containerd/certs.d/<domain or IPv4>:5000/hosts.toml
    server = "http://<domain or IPv4>:5000"

    [host."http://<domain or IPv4>:5000"]
    capabilities = ["pull", "resolve", "push"]
    skip_verify = true
    plain-http = true
  3. Restart containerd service

    systemctl restart containerd


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