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Docker Engine


  • This method is suitable for quick testing, Not suitable for production use.
  • Supports AMD64/ARM64.


Omnibus CSGHub is a method launched by OpenCSG to quickly deploy CSGHub using Docker, mainly for quick function experience and testing. The Docker deployment method allows users to deploy CSGHub on local computers at a low cost. This deployment method is very suitable for proof of concept and testing, allowing users to immediately access the core functions of CSGHub (including models, dataset management, Space application creation, and model reasoning and fine-tuning).


  • Quick configuration: Supports one-click deployment and quick start.

  • Unified management: Supports integrated model, dataset, Space application management, multi-source synchronization and other functions.

  • Simple operation: Supports model reasoning and quick start of fine-tuning instances.

Quick deployment


  • The host used for deployment has Docker Desktop or Docker Engine installed

  • Operating system Linux, macOS, Windows, configuration not less than 4c8g

  • Inference, fine-tuning, and model evaluation functions require GPU resources

Quick installation

Currently, this deployment method only supports macOS and Linux.

curl -sfL | bash -s -- -h -p 80

If you need to connect to [K8S cluster](#Quickly configure K3S test environment) (support model inference, fine-tuning, evaluation and Space functions):

curl -sfL | bash -s -- -h -p 80 -k -c ~/.kube


  • The above method only supports macOS, Linux, Windows (WSL) For other configurations, please check the command help -H, --help.

    For other methods, please refer to [Other Windows deployment methods](#Other Windows deployment methods).

  • HTTPS access configuration is not currently supported. If necessary, please adjust the port mapping and nginx configuration file template yourself.

  • -h host or SERVER_DOMAIN can use domain name or IPv4 address.

    • Domain name: Please configure domain name resolution by yourself when using a domain name

    • IPv4: Do not use (this address segment is the default address segment of Docker, which will cause access exceptions)

  • The above method is not applicable to using external database services. If necessary, please refer to [Variable Description](#Variable Description) to configure it yourself.

Visit CSGHub

After the above deployment is successful, use the following method to access:

Access address: http://<host>:<port>, for example,

Access credentials: root/Root@1234

More instructions

Quickly configure the K3S test environment

  • Quickly configure the k3s environment
curl -sfL | bash -s

# If NVIDIA GPU configuration is enabled
curl -sfL | ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPU=true bash -s
  • Configure Docker
# Add insecure registry
cat <<EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json
"insecure-registries": ["<your ip address>:5000"]

# Restart docker
systemctl restart docker
  • <your ip address> defaults to, which can be specified with the -h option.

  • 5000 is the default registry access port, which can be specified with the -r option.

Windows other deployment methods

  • PowerShell

    # Without K8S
    $env:SERVER_DOMAIN = ((Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4)[0].IPAddress)
    $env:SERVER_PORT = "80"
    docker run -it -d `
    --name omnibus-csghub `
    --hostname omnibus-csghub `
    -p ${env:SERVER_PORT}:80 `
    -p 2222:2222 `
    -p 8000:8000 `
    -p 9000:9000 `

    # With K8S
    $env:SERVER_DOMAIN = ((Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4)[0].IPAddress)
    $env:SERVER_PORT = "80"
    docker run -it -d `
    --name omnibus-csghub `
    --hostname omnibus-csghub `
    -p ${env:SERVER_PORT}:80 `
    -p 2222:2222 `
    -p 5000:5000 `
    -p 8000:8000 `
    -p 9000:9000 `
    -v $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\csghub\data:/var/opt `
    -v $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\csghub\log:/var/log `
    -v $env:USERPROFILE\.kube:/etc/.kube `
  • CMD

    for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %i in ('ipconfig ^| findstr /C:"以太网适配器" /C:"IPv4 地址"') do (
    set "tempIpv4=%i"
    set SERVER_DOMAIN=%tempIpv4:~1%

    set SERVER_PORT=80

    # Without K8S
    docker run -it -d ^
    --name omnibus-csghub ^
    --hostname omnibus-csghub ^
    -p %SERVER_PORT%:80 ^
    -p 2222:2222 ^
    -p 8000:8000 ^
    -p 9000:9000 ^

    # With K8S
    docker run -it -d ^
    --name omnibus-csghub ^
    --hostname omnibus-csghub ^
    -p %SERVER_PORT%:80 ^
    -p 2222:2222 ^
    -p 5000:5000 ^
    -p 8000:8000 ^
    -p 9000:9000 ^
    -v %USERPROFILE%\Documents\csghub\data:/var/opt ^
    -v %USERPROFILE%\Documents\csghub\log:/var/log ^
    -v %USERPROFILE%\.kube:/etc/.kube ^
  • WSL

    Please refer to [Quick Deployment](#Quick Deployment).

Command Line Tools

omnibus-csghub provides a simple command line tool for managing services and viewing service logs.

  • Service Management
# View all service status
csghub-ctl status

# View all job status
# EXITED is the normal status
csghub-ctl jobs

# Restart a service
csghub-ctl restart nginx
  • Log Management
# View all service logs in real time
csghub-ctl tail

# View a service log in real time
csghub-ctl tail nginx
  • Other parameters

All other command options are inherited from supervisorctl.

Remove service

If you no longer use or need to rebuild the container, perform the following operations:

docker rm -f omnibus-csghub

If you need to uninstall the K3S environment, perform the following operations:


Variable description

Tips: Only configurable parameters are listed. is a local service. Third-party services are used by specifying the following variables, but this does not disable internal services.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
SERVER_DOMAINcsghub.example.comSpecifies the access IP address or domain name.
SERVER_PORT80Specifies the access port.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
POSTGRES_HOST127.0.0.1Specifies the database access address.
POSTGRES_PORT5432Execution database port.
POSTGRES_SERVER_USER / POSTGRES_SERVER_PASScsghub_serverSpecifies the csghub_server service database user and password.
POSTGRES_PORTAL_USER / POSTGRES_PORTAL_PASScsghub_portalSpecify the csghub_portal service database user and password.
POSTGRES_CASDOOR_USER / POSTGRES_CASDOOR_PASScsghub_casdoorSpecify the csghub_casdoor service database user and password.
POSTGRES_TEMPORAL_USER / POSTGRES_TEMPORAL_PASScsghub_temporalSpecify the csghub_temporal service database user and password.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
REDIS_ENDPOINT127.0.0.1:6379Specify the Redis service address.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
S3_ENDPOINT127.0.0.1:9000Specifies the object storage.
S3_ACCESS_KEYminioSpecifies the object storage access credentials.
S3_ACCESS_SECRETMinio@2025!Specifies the object storage access credentials.
S3_REGIONcn-north-1Specifies the object storage region.
S3_ENABLE_SSLfalseSpecifies whether SSL encryption is enabled for the object storage.
S3_REGISTRY_BUCKETcsghub-registrySpecifies the bucket allocated for the registry.
S3_PORTAL_BUCKETcsghub-portalSpecifies the bucket assigned to csghub-portal.
S3_SERVER_BUCKETcsghub-serverSpecifies the bucket assigned to csghub-server.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_PORT2222Specifies the Git SSH port number.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
REGISTRY_ADDRESS$SERVER_DOMAIN:5000Specifies the Registry service address.
REGISTRY_NAMESPACEcsghubSpecify the namespace used by the Registry.
REGISTRY_USERNAMEregistrySpecify the username for connecting to the Registry service.
REGISTRY_PASSWORDRegistry@2025!Specify the password for connecting to the Registry service.


*Tip: The following configurations will be automatically obtained if KNATIVE_SERVING_ENABLE = true is configured. *

Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
SPACE_APP_NSspacesSpecify the default Kubernetes namespace used by Space.
SPACE_APP_DOMAINapp.internalSpecify the internal domain name used by Knative Serving.
SPACE_APP_HOST127.0.0.1Specifies the gateway of the Knative Serving network component.
SPACE_APP_PORT80Specifies the port of the Knative Serving network component.
SPACE_DATA_PATH/var/opt/csghub-builderSpecifies the data storage directory for Space construction.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
CASDOOR_PORT8000Specifies the CASDOOR port.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
TEMPORAL_USERtemporalSpecifies the user name for verifying Temporal login.
TEMPORAL_PASSTemporal@2025!Specifies the user password for verifying Temporal login.


Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
KNATIVE_SERVING_ENABLEfalseSpecifies whether to automatically install Knative Serving.
KNATIVE_KOURIER_TYPENodePortSpecifies the service exposure method of the knative Serving Kourier network component.
NVIDIA_DEVICE_PLUGINfalseSpecifies whether to automatically install the nvidia device plugin (the default runtime of the GPU node containerd needs to be configured by yourself).
CSGHUB_WITH_K8S0Whether to connect to the Kubernetes cluster.

For more variables, please refer to