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Creating and Running Data Processing Task

This tutorial uses the sample dataset file data_sample.jsonl to demonstrate DataFlow’s data processing capabilities. Supported dataset formats include: jsonl, json, parquet, csv, txt, tsv, and jsonl.zst.

DataFlow Entry Points

DataFlow offers two entry points on the CSGHub platform for efficient data management:

  • Entry 1: In the dataflow-dataset repository and click Data Processing button to create a task.

    Note: Make sure the dataset is under your personal repository; otherwise, the "Data Processing" button will not be available.

Dataflow Entry 1

  • Entry 2: Access DataFlow from the Data Pipelines option under your avatar.

Dataflow Entry 2

Creating a Data Processing Task

When entering through Entry 1, the Data Source field is pre-filled. If using Entry 2, you will need to select it manually.

There are two types of data processing tasks: operator-based and tool-based.

  • Operator-based tasks Fill in the task name, data source and branch, then select an algorithm template. You can also adjust operator parameter settings as needed. Create Task

  • Tool-based tasks Fill in the task name, data source and branch, then select a tool. Different tools require different parameter configurations; you can adjust them as needed. Create Task

Viewing Task Details

After completion, click Details to view the task's status and results.

Task List

  • Processing Details: Displays operator information, running status, and processed data volume for each step.

Task Details

  • Session Processing Result: Compare session data before and after processing to analyze performance.

Session Result

  • Task Log: View complete logs to track execution steps. Logs can be downloaded for further analysis.

Task Log