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Create Organization

Login OpenCSG Community, click on New Organization in the top right corner to create new organization.

Click create org

In the organization creation page, fill in the following information, and then click the Create Organization.

  • Organizaiton namespace, organization nickname.
  • Upload organization avatar.
  • Select organization type.
  • Organization homepage.

Create org

View Joined Organization

Login OpenCSG Community, click on Profile in the top right corner. Then you can find the organization you have joined on the left navigation bar, and click on it to view the details of the organization.

Find your org

Edit Organize Information

  • On the organization Details page, you can view the organization's Model, Dataset, Code, and Space.
  • Click Organization Settings to enter the organization Settings page. You can edit the basic information of the organization, invite/delete organization members, and modify the authorization of organization members. Org details